Contradictions of a Society in Transition: A Look at Henry Musenge's Novel Changing Shadows

  • Shadreck Kondala University of Zambia
Keywords: Tradition, modern, mutual exclusivity, cultural change, contradiction, cultural equilibrium


This article seeks to highlight the contradictions that characterise a society in transition in relation to cultural change. It focuses on Henry Musenge’s novel Changing Shadows. The novel depicts a people in a dilemma with regard to the appropriate culture between the traditional ethnic culture and the new modern culture. Some members in this society wish to adhere to tradition and at the same time, attempt to demonise the new emerging culture. On the opposite extreme end, others regard the traditional culture as backward and outdated; one that should be disposed of completely, and eagerly wish to embrace the new modern culture. And still, others wish to embrace both cultures – or the hybrid of both cultures. The contradiction lies in the fact that, on one hand, there is a (national) call to uphold (selected) traditional values and practices as these are said to enforce national identity and national pride and on the other hand, there is a ‘public’ call for change and a call to embrace the new modern culture: Thus, ‘tradition is good’ versus ‘tradition is bad, evil, retrogressive and outdated’. This bi-polar approach to culture happens in one society and consequently degenerates into internal divides in the same society. The challenge is that these two cultures in many respects tend to be mutually exclusive; the practices are conflicting. This calls for the need for society to revisit and be guided properly seeing that the ambivalent/dual-structured cultural disposition creates confusion and contradictions. This article is largely guided by the sociological approach which posits that literature should serve as a mirror of society as well as to provide solutions for society. However, it is also guided by theories surounded cultural studies and multiculturalism.
How to Cite
Kondala, S. (2025) “Contradictions of a Society in Transition: A Look at Henry Musenge’s Novel Changing Shadows”, Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 12-25. doi: