The Zambian Journal of Educational Management, Administration and Leadership (ZJEMAL) is an annual journal of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (EAPS) of the University of Zambia (UNZA). The EAPS department seeks to produce scholarships and expertise in the realms of Educational Studies, Foundation disciplines in Education such as Education policy, Economics of Education, Educational Administration, Philosophy of Education, History of Education Gender Issues in Education, HIV and AIDS Issues in Education, Educational Leadership and Human Resource Administration. The purpose of this journal is to give an opportunity to lecturers, students, practitioners, policy makers to produce scholarship in education and to exchange ideas about theory, practice and to extend the theory of education.

The editors welcome original papers on any aspect of Educational Management, Administration and Leadership Studies, as well as closely related topics. The main criterion for acceptance of papers will be that they make a significant contribution to the current state of knowledge, and/or practice. The editors also welcome submissions of articles, reflections on research, reflections on practice, and book reviews. Contributions should explore the wider implications for theory and practice by both drawing on and connecting back to the literature. The Journal considers issues not only on the theory and practice from scholars around the world but also strongly encourages practitioners in different disciplines to contribute and share their knowledge and experience. The Journal serves as an autonomous and unbiased forum that accommodates sufficient variety of perspectives and analyses, which are concrete in their formulation and organisation.